Observations from my favorite BAR

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Dating Again

I've recently started dating a Carthusian monk, so that I can get the recipe for Chartreuse from him. So far I've got about 20 herbs nailed down, but the proportions are going to be hard to figure out. This monk is hard to figure out, actually. He loves TV, but can't have sex, swears like a sailor, but otherwise if pretty quiet. It's a real challenge, but I'm making progress.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tripple Unanswered Question on the rocks

I was a little drunk and kind of out of it when I wrote that last entry, and I'm not much better today. It's really hot, and even though I'm in the AC, I can feel the strange fatigue behind my eyeballs that feels like being half drunk already, so why not cool off with something extra stong?

Anyway, I was going to go back and delete that last thing I wrote, but then when I logged into this piece of crap otherworld it wasn't even there, so I guess it saved me the trouble of getting rid of it. But it's kind of disturbing, becasue I really thought that I DID write it, and post it, and publish it, as it were, in this here realm. There are a lot of unanswered questions that just flew into my mind, but later, for all that.