Observations from my favorite BAR

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tripple Unanswered Question on the rocks

I was a little drunk and kind of out of it when I wrote that last entry, and I'm not much better today. It's really hot, and even though I'm in the AC, I can feel the strange fatigue behind my eyeballs that feels like being half drunk already, so why not cool off with something extra stong?

Anyway, I was going to go back and delete that last thing I wrote, but then when I logged into this piece of crap otherworld it wasn't even there, so I guess it saved me the trouble of getting rid of it. But it's kind of disturbing, becasue I really thought that I DID write it, and post it, and publish it, as it were, in this here realm. There are a lot of unanswered questions that just flew into my mind, but later, for all that.

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